

Bill 老师设计了🔺动物流结合普拉提的线上工作坊🔺, 除了让您通过运动得到健康的身体,还教您如何调整久坐导致的不良体态。肩颈,腰酸背痛随着体态调整和深层肌肉强化而消失,省下按摩,推拿的钱,让你变得有气质和自信。
1️⃣腕关节灵动训练 (Wrist Mobilization)
腕关节灵动训练是简单而有效的动作,用于使手和腕部为应对动物流的练习做好准备。 健康的手腕对日常活动很重要,特别是长期使用电脑,手机导致手腕紧张,发炎疼痛等,都有很好的改善效果👍。
2️⃣激活 (Activation)
激活是为了“唤醒”身体,让我们去感受和控制它。 AF练习使用了两个激活体式,即“野兽🐅”和“螃蟹🦀”,这是整个动物流运动中的基本形式。手掌和脚与地面的直接接触,可以更好的提高身体的感知能力。
3️⃣体式特定拉伸 (Form Specific Stretches-FSS)
FSS是基本动物体式的全身伸展运动。 FSS的练习是为了 提升身体灵活性和稳定性的结合,以建立“运动中的力量”。柔中带刚,这是健康身体的能力体现之一。
4️⃣行进体式 (Traveling Forms)
行进体式是动物流的行进模式。我们通过 模仿动物行走以提升人体各项关节的功能。这是多数运动缺乏的部分,只有人体关节功能正常,我们才有一个无痛的身体
5️⃣切换与过渡 (Switches & Transitions)
在流组合练习中,切换与过渡动作构成了整个流组合的一大部分。这些动作可以链接一起,形成无穷无尽的组合练习,也可以为了强化而单独练习。S&T 的基本类别是底部切换(underswitch),侧穿踢(sidekickthrough),蝎子🦂(scorpion)和前穿踢(frontkickthrough). 练习千变万化有趣好玩。
6️⃣流组合 (Flows)
流组合是将所有动作汇集在一起进行练习。流组合可以通过多种方式进行,主要有3中 : 预先编排动作,通过教练说出口令练习和自由组合。#全部动作超过50多个,可以形成♾️无穷无尽的组合练习♾️。
🔰Animal Flow 开始于2010年,Mike Fitch 结合他所研究的各项自我体重训练(包括体操,跑酷,霹雳舞和手平衡)而开发了Animal flow.
🔰全球超过1️⃣2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣人参加了Animal flow 工作坊,并且在全球40多个国家拥有超过4️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣名合格教练.
为什么要参加 Bhumi Lifestyle 举办的 工作坊 ⁉️
Bill 老师以普拉提原则学习Animal flow, 精准的掌握各个体式的正确发力,🔺并以高达91% 的成绩成功考取教练资格❗,是Master Alisha导师所培训过的学员里 得分最高的一个,花了很多精神和努力去详细的研究每一个动作。跟着认真并热爱AnimalFlow的Bill老师学习,绝对没有错 !!
为了让大家 有足够的时间练习及适应每一个动作,特地将课程设计成12节课,三个月时间。跟着Bill老师设计的每周训练计划,每天花15-30分钟练习,逐步提升身体各项能力,每个星期都感觉到自己的进步。🔺适合所有人🔺
学员练习后可以把练习视频发上群组,Bill 老师会 仔细的观看并提出需要改善的建议,让学员可以掌握标准的动作。只有掌握标准的练习动作,才能得到动作针对身体功能提升而设计的成果
Animal flow 的练习不会因为工作坊完毕的停顿。每个星期天上午11点的 线上AnimalFlow团课可以让您继续练习AnimalFlow, 和大家一起练习流组合的感觉实在是太棒了

继续参加level3️⃣ 和 level4️⃣ 的工作坊,更多有型又好看的动作等着您去征服
♨️第六期的Level1️⃣&2️⃣工作坊,每个星期一晚上8-9pm,立即 ⭕Whatsapp +60 11-7077 9999 ,或点击以下的链接报名。

Are you facing these problems?

♦️Bad posture and bodily pain caused by sedentary lifestyle and sitting or standing for long hours
♦️Neck and shoulder pain developed from poor posture when working behind your desktop and using mobile phones
♦️No time to exercise due to long working hours
♦️Not achieving your desired goals even though you have exercised and trained hard
♦️Forced to take a back seat from training due to injury
♦️Newbie who wants to exercise but don’t know where to start

Bhumi Lifestyle understand your needs, our trainer Bill has specially designed this workshop combining animal flow, Pilates and fascia relaxation to help you solve all of the above problems!

🦍Animal Flow🦂 utilizes natural gravity and your own body weight to perform ground based movement to create a fun, challenging workout emphasizing on multi planar fluid movements. It incorporates elements such as yoga, gymnastics, break dancing and body balance exercises imitating animal jumps, crawls and other movements. A whole body workout that builds strength and endurance as well as improve mobility, flexibility, functionality and coordination.
Pilates, otherwise known as Contrology, is a low impact exercise that aims to strengthen muscles while improving postural alignment and flexibility. While it tends to focus on the core group muscles, which is the foundation of one’s body to enable one to move efficiently, it works on the deep intricate muscles of other body area as well with emphasis on precision and technique. The health benefits of Pilates include: better posture, improved flexibility, increased muscle strength and tone, particularly of your abdominal muscles, lower back, hips and buttocks (the ‘core muscles’ of your body) and rehabilitation or prevention of injuries related to muscle imbalances.

😍One price, threefold benefits。 in this workshop, you will learn:
 Learn how to move correctly and efficiently with the principles of Pilates
Improve body and joint flexibility and mobility
Strengthen and stabilise
Enhance sports performance
Correct bad posture
Say goodbye to chronic bodily pain

 Simple, easy and EFFECTIVE.

The workshop combine theory and practice to help you understand the basis and purpose of practice. After completing 12 classes, you will be able to spice up your workout routine by combining various techniques you learnt.

Join the workshop, every Monday, 8.00pm to 9.00pm for 12 weeks.

Unlock your body’s potential and discover a whole new body that exudes confidence.

Click on the link below to register now

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